School of Arts and Sciences

Advising Q and A: Frequently Asked

How do I register for 19 or more credits?

Visit the Dean's Office in 140 Thackeray Hall for a dean's signature.

Answered 13 years 9 weeks ago.
How do I get a hold removed?


A “hold” means that you need to take care of some unfinished business. A service indicator symbol in PeopleSoft will appear on your record if you have a hold. Click on the symbol to find out which office put the hold on your account. You will need to call or visit the office that placed the hold on your account to handle the matter.

Answered 14 years 40 weeks ago.
How do I get off probation?

Develop a plan with the assistance of an intervention specialist in the Academic Resource Center, G-1 Gardner Steel Conference Center.

Answered 14 years 40 weeks ago.
How do I register for a class?


See your academic advisor. If you are a guest student, visit 201 Thackeray Hall.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How do I get into a closed class?


Obtain a closed class permission form from the instructor or department and obtain the instructor's approval and signature. Fill out an add/drop form and return both forms to the Registrar's Office in G-3 Thackeray Hall.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How do I add and/or drop a course?


Obtain an enrollment form from the Advising Center in 201 Thackeray Hall, fill it out and return it to the Registrar's Office in G-1 Thackeray Hall.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How do I withdraw from a course?


Freshman should see their advisor first. All other students should see their advisor before withdrawing from a skills course. (Check the Academic Calendar to see the deadlines for withdrawing from courses.)

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How do I declare a major or multiple majors, or change my major?


Speak with your academic advisor about declaring a major or majors. To change your major, visit Student Records in 140 Thackeray Hall. or the Advising Center in 201 Thackeray Hall.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How do I appeal my suspension or dismissal?


Make an appointment to speak with a dean, either in person or by phone, by calling 412-624-6480.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.
How do I apply for a student loan, financial aid or work-study?


Visit the Office of Admissions and Financial Aid in 120 Alumni Hall.

Answered 14 years 48 weeks ago.